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A solution for Health

Mar 30, 2016

What if a solution for disease is already here and the global health crisis is an illusion?

I know, it seems threats to our health and our environment are overwhelming. Viruses, resistant bacteria, cancer, Alzheimer disease, the list of things that can go wrong is scary long. Still, the global health crisis only exists because of all our attention to it.

This causes a lot of fear. We look to authorities to save us and protect us from disaster, we wait for them to come up with a new vaccine, or a new miracle drug that will either protect or cure us of all the dangerous viruses that can make us sick or diseases that can kill us.

The real threat, however, is the fear. We think the cure is whatever the authorities come up with: the antidote, the vaccine, or the new miracle drug. Mass hysteria can cause a desperate run for the vaccines, without questioning it.

All the focus on disease and threats to our health make it look like we are under a constant threat.

Our mindset is primarily based on fear of contracting some kind of disease. If we are healthy now, we had better prepare for times to come when we won't be so lucky. We take precautions by getting vaccinated. We undergo invasive diagnostic procedures to make sure there aren't any tumors hiding anywhere. We take drugs to prevent the possibility of cardiovascular disease. You may have been told by a doctor you have to be on a certain medication the rest of your life, and before you know it you are taking a whole range of prescription drugs. And you still feel miserable.

Our bodies don’t do well when we think we are under a constant threat. In fact, it is a scientific fact that fear can cause disease. Our immune response is suppressed when we experience fear or stress.
And then there is the self-fulfilling prophecy. Meaning:  you get what you focus on. Actually, what you believe becomes your reality.

When we pay a lot of attention to disease, threats of disease, and potential risks, we see more of that. When we focus that much on disease, we fail to see that there is also a lot of health and well-being. We don’t feel vibrant and alive, because we fear we will lose our health, sooner or later.

We are afraid. And we are afraid to take responsibility for our own health because we think it is more than we can handle and we have no control over it. Not surprising, since we are made to believe that we depend on pharmaceuticals, the CDC, the WHO, or our doctors to tell us what to do, or what not to do, to fend off disease.

We are also informed by the media about how many people are suffering from a specific disease. The statistics don’t lie. But they don’t tell the truth either! We don't hear much about how many people are thriving and healthy. Health wasn't that common not too long ago!

We are afraid to take responsibility for our own health because, in the end, we have been made to believe we need someone to rescue us from disease. We are afraid to take full responsibility for our own health and well-being and FEAR is the culprit.

We willingly and happily hand over the reigns to whoever we think has the answers and knows what they are doing because they are the experts.

We have conformed to the belief that this expert is a medical doctor. We were raised with the idea that if you have pain, you take a pill. If you don’t feel well, you go see a doctor. We have been programmed to feel fear when our body is telling us to pay attention. Instead of paying attention we go see someone who knows nothing about us, and we trust this person so much, we do as we are told, without consulting our inner wisdom, or even our common sense. It does not make any sense, does it?

When it comes down to it, we'd rather not know anything about our body, our health or what can cause us to become ill. We are afraid of it. We are afraid to carry that responsibility. The reason we are dis-empowered is because we fear responsibility, and whenever we can, we give our power away.

And you know what? That is fine if that is what you choose. Because it is your choice. I am not saying that you should never consult a medical professional. Just don't make them responsible or give them all that power.

If what I just said strikes a chord with you, and you want to start playing your own music again, empower yourself, educate yourself, and take back responsibility for your health and well-being. Then you are ready to make a different choice. When you change the way you look at yourself and your life, your reality will change.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
- Dr. Wayne Dyer -

Taking back responsibility

We have 50 trillion cells. 50 trillion!!! Most of them are healthy, they constantly die and they are constantly replaced by new cells.

The moment we focus on what is wrong, all the trillion cells that are healthy will respond! Trillions of cells are thriving, but we start zooming in on the few that aren’t. We create our own imbalance this way. Most of the time when we see a doctor about an issue, this imbalance is encouraged by the doctor when he gives you a ‘diagnose’, solidifying the disease, or whatever it is.

What if you could be just fine again, and let your body take care of itself? What if you could get out of your own way and allow health to flourish? What if we became better at listening, more intuitive, and less fearful and dependent? What if we would question that what we are trying to conform to?

Our body has full capacity and ability to heal itself. No treatment cures. The body always does the healing. Always. The band-aid you put on your cut has nothing to do with the healing of your skin. You can support the healing of your body, but your body still does the work.

You have to make the choice to take 100% responsibility for everything in your life.
The first step towards health and well-being is to take full responsibility. No more excuses, blaming, finding reasons why you can’t, and making yourself a victim.

Transform fear to challenge. If you don’t like how things are, instead of justifying why things are the way they are, look for ways to get what you do want. Why do we  look incessantly for reasons why we feel sick, instead of looking for ways to be healthier? Stop arguing for your limitations, and stop giving what you don't want so much of your energy and attention.

Shifting from unconscious to conscious

It is not our fault we ended up somewhere we did not want to be with circumstances we did not ask for. Most of us are unconscious.

Why did we give away our power then?
We did not know any better, we were always told what to do and how to do it.

Education makes us more unconscious because we get programmed into mass conscious thinking. We don’t question this way of thinking because it’s just the way it is.

But it is FREE thinking that is more powerful and allows change to happen. Free thinking is the real creator.

Mass conscious thinking creates more ignorance, lack of awareness, fear, wanting to be right, separation, justification, and need to feel safe by hiding behind this mass consciousness. All reasons why our power is not in our hands.

Now that you know you can take your power back, it is your choice to take back full responsibility. You can stop blaming. 

Ask yourself how you can start shifting your attention to creating a positive change.

Be aware of conditioned responses

The outcome of your reality is based on your responses to your circumstances. If you think dis-empowering thoughts and have dis-empowering beliefs, you will not have a successful outcome. Your power lies in shifting from blaming to looking at your own response instead.

Most of our responses are conditioned. Fear is a conditioned response. Anger can be a conditioned response and so is hunger (yes, really!). Even pain can become a conditioned response. Increasing self-awareness will open your eyes to those conditioned, habitual ways of thinking and behaving. Changing your thoughts and beliefs will lead to different actions and a different outcome.

Health is dominant

The global health crisis is an illusion, created by massive global attention to it. Health and well-being are dominant in our world and in your life. Pay attention to how well your body is functioning.

Even if you have pain, most of your body is still working exceptionally well, or else you would not be here anymore.

Even when you have a bad flu, your body is doing all the work to fight off the intruders, and this is why you have a fever and feel sick. Instead of resting and nourishing our body, we suppress the symptoms that are necessary for healing. We complain that we are sick and overlook the magnificent way our body is functioning.

What you may find hard to believe is that all your healthy cells will respond to that what is most active in your awareness. This is why stress can cause disease. It is not the stressful event or situation, but your response to it. How you perceive your reality affects your body. All the time.

You always have a choice what you pay attention to. Choose to see vibrant health and well-being, imagine feeling vibrant and alive, and your body will respond.

When you feel more alive, you will naturally feel drawn to healthy behaviors: eating natural foods, drinking more water, sleeping more, moving more, laughing more, relaxing more and doing things that make you feel more alive. Your cells will thank you for that and reward you with more health.

Start from a place of hope

Very few specialists will tell you how you can be a tremendous support to your own recovery. On the contrary, they are obligated to give you the worst case scenario, and not give you false hope in fear of a law suite. That will not do you any good. You are not a statistic, especially when you are someone that makes optimal use of the self-healing capacity of your body and use the power of your mind, taking responsibility and creating empowering thoughts and beliefs about your health.

Statistics are based on people that did not know how to take control. You are not a number, yet that is what your doctor will base any prognosis on. Put yourself in a state of hope, because hope is a good start for your healing!

Don’t underestimate the power of your mind, the power of visualization, and meditation.
Taking responsibility means you take your power back, you take control over your responses, instead of defaulting to your conditioned responses. You are a powerful being. Use that power.

Start shifting your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions and instead of being the victim, transform your life. You can decide what the most beneficial treatment for you is, confidently walk your own path to health, combining it with the powerful tools you always have available to you.

The solution for health is in our hands.

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