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Getting Real is not the same as being Authentic

Aug 13, 2015

The more authentic you are, the more you will experience these benefits. Watch the video below to find out what these benefits are.

Being authentic to me means being fully in alignment with who you truly are, your source.

When we are born and through early childhood, we are as authentic as we can get. When we are exposed to society’s influence, we learn to adapt to fit in as best as we can. The many beliefs about how we should behave and who we need to be in order to be accepted, caused us to forget that life is supposed to be fun and that we are born to expand, not to decline. We developed habits that support society’s demands. Those habits prevent us from flowing into our natural, authentic state of being.

What brings us closer to our authentic self and in alignment with our source?

  • Check in with how you feel, rather than over-thinking and rationalizing. When you are in alignment, you will generally feel good. Not feeling good means you are moving further away from your source.
  • Let go of habits and beliefs that are not congruent with the real you, and adapt new habits that are. Change is hard, especially if it means leaving your comfort zone. People around you may not be happy with your change, and it takes courage and determination to stick with it.

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