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Signs of a deep rooted problem and what you can do about it.

Sep 11, 2015

A deep rooted problem

I have been wondering how to write about this without putting too much attention on the negative and the abusiveness in our society. It is important to talk about it because the symptoms we are seeing today, are caused by a much deeper rooted problem, which is very serious.

These symptoms are chronic misery, lack of respect and physical-psycho-social dysfunction.

The signs of these symptoms are in our faces all the time. Thanks to the people that are using their heart and their head we are still surviving on this planet.

On our daily walk in Birch Island, there is always at least one person who remembers to bring a garbage bag. Empty cans and other garbage are picked up. My friend told me that yesterday, they picked up 50 cans. Empty cigarette packages and wrappers are everywhere. On the Birch Island turn off from the highway, someone dumped an old piece of furniture that is now used as a garbage can, and the area is turning into a dump.

That kind of disrespect and ignorance can only come from a deep rooted pain from discontent and disconnection. It is a sign of having absolutely no self-respect, no self-awareness and a lack of insight. I find it deeply saddening to see how low people have descended to behave in such an ignorant way. And this is just one example of disconnectedness. I won't even start talking about how other human beings are treated on this planet. Human beings who are trying to find a safe home, away from horrific abuse in their country.

What on earth has happened to humanity???

Addressing the problem, not the symptoms

I know I am preaching to the choir here. The only way for me to not get too carried away and get drawn into this negativity is knowing that you are here too, and we can all have a positive impact and make a difference. One obvious way is by doing what my dear friends in Birch Island are doing: faithfully picking up the garbage each morning, without complaining too much about it. Amazing people.

Complaining and resisting or going against everything unwanted is never the way to make a positive change.

What is going to make a difference is to have an intention to make at least one positive change happen every day.

  • Modelling the appropriate actions and behaviour is far more influential than complaining and blaming.
  • Making positive connections with other people in a meaningful way is going to get us much further then disconnecting and judging.
  • Loving and respecting ourselves will give rise to more respect for others and our environment.
  • Igniting hope and faith for something better is much more productive than feeling hopeless and losing the ability to really care about our environment, other beings and ourselves.

Don't give up on humanity, because that will mean you are beginning to give up on yourself. Instead ignite a powerful intention to be an example of a happy, healthy being, looking after the well-being of the environment and all beings on this planet. All it takes is just one positive action a day. If we all do that, the united good intentions will have a powerful impact. Make it your intention to make people smile for example, or clean up your own street. It does not matter how small or big, just do something good.

What are you going to do to make a difference?

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