Nobody can do it alone, we all deserve support. Be brave enough to say YES to you.

I am READY for MORE health

Does SUPERWOMAN ever let doubt or fear stop her?

You have a superwoman within you that is ready to CLAIM her worth, make healthy choices, and let her VOICE be heard!

I know you are capable of experiencing more health, more well-being, more self-confidence and self-esteem.

I know you deserve more than what you are allowing in right now.

I know you have a SUPERWOMAN inside of you who wants to come out. Claim her worth, make healthy choices, and let her VOICE be heard.

You are already a super hero, because you are making your life work for you as much as you can, despite the obstacles. But it’s so exhausting.

What would your life be without these obstacles?

What if stress, pain, and fear weren’t in control of you any more. Instead, YOU call the shots!

Course Outline

The biggest lesson I learned and the knowledge that helped me turn my life around was that my beliefs created my experience. What I experienced wasn’t the problem. The meaning I gave my experience was the problem.

I remember that moment of clarity when I looked at myself and my life and wondered how I ended up there. 

I took myself down a negative spiral that I don't want you to go down.

Severe depression, anxiety disorder, migraines, thyroid dysfunction, gave me a legitimate excuse to shrink my world and myself. It was out of my control. It made me feel safe.

My safe place became my prison. I felt shame for feeling insufficient, guilt for not being able to work. I felt powerless and small. I didn’t like myself and I didn’t want anyone to see me like that.

The rebel in me wasn’t buying it though. Deep down I knew I was better than this. Anger and rebellion against this believe that I was broken was the beginning of the journey that set me free.

It was the BELIEF there was something wrong with me that robbed me of my health.

So I told myself to stop believing I was broken.

Now I am telling you, wherever you are, whatever it is you believe about yourself: don’t believe it, if it doesn’t serve you. Don’t go down that path, turn yourself  around and move towards health, well-being, growth.

You don't have to stay imprisoned by physical and emotional pain. It is time to set yourself FREE.

I did.

And so can you.

Now it’s my turn to make sure you have all the knowledge you need to help you move towards health and well-being.


Online video training

5 week program


5 Modules with online videos

Online support

Life time access




OUTSMART YOUR BRAIN is an online program with 5 modules containing videos with fundamental information and knowledge about: your brain, pain, stress and health.

When you learn more, you will know something you didn’t know before.

That changes your BRAIN!

And that changes everything: Your beliefs, your choices, your HEALTH.

This is a new beginning for you.
You will gain
 understanding how your mind and body work together to manifest health or disease.

Gaining understanding will give you:

  • Relief from stress and pain
  • More control over your emotions
  • More energy, clarity, and confidence
  • Tools to feel better, be better, and feel alive again
  • Purpose and feeling satisfied with yourself and your life

Frequently Asked Questions

And things people worry about

This time, you are addressing the root of the problem: your mindset, and your beliefs. It is a belief that nothing works. When you change that belief to: 'there are many ways I can make this work for me', you can turn water into wine. (so to speak, if you so desire)

There are six sections to this program. Section 2-5 are the modules where you have to sit, listen/watch the videos, and make notes. These four modules will be released over time, one per week. Each module will have 5 or 6 videos each, and I will keep the videos short, around 8-12 minutes. How much of it you implement is up to you. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. I would suggest to make time for you. At least 30  minutes a day during the course.

There are a totalof 6 sections. Four core modules, an introduction, and resources. The core modules have 4-6 videos each.

It is a choice. The price of this course is peanuts compared to what you'd pay for specialists opinions, treatment, or even your daily special coffee which adds up. $4 a day for 30 days is $120. Money is like energy. You can re-allocate it to something that is important you. Or start with my free stuff, or other people's free stuff. There is a lot of information out there. Just don't get lost. What is your health and well-being worth to you? How come you are not investing in yourself? Where lies your priority?

One of my core values is : keep it simple. So I keep it really simple. You can absolutely ask questions, I love questions because it helps me get even more clear and deliver better quality training. Thinking it's too hard for you is a belief too. It's an excuse. Instead tell yourself: "I can figure it out and ask for help when I need to." I am here to support you!

Another belief. The good old self-fulfilling prophecy at work. It will be what ever you believe it will be. You will be given the tools to overcome these kind of blocks and beliefs. If you already know you need to be held accountable, consider my group coaching program or the individual coaching program. I will not let you of the hook in these programs.

I am different too. I give you tools that will help you from the inside out. In my 25 years of experience as a physiotherapist, I know what works and what doesn't. You will learn that there is no such thing as just a physical problem. Yes, when you break a leg, it needs to heal. Your body heals the break if you give it rest and support with a cast. There is no correlation between tissue damage and pain. Health is our natural state, not disease. I am talking about real physical problems having a real emotional origin in my program.

Fear is not a stop sign, it's a good sign. It means growth is on the other side of it. No change is no growth. Growth is health. No growth no health. No change, no health. Learn to deal with the fear and doors will open for you. I'll teach you how. If you need more help than what's available in this course, consider one of my coaching programs. All of them include this basic level program.

I have over 25 years of experience as a healthcare professional. I worked as a physiotherapist in many settings with all ages, with all kinds of health issues. I specialized in: traumatic brain injury and chronic pain. The behavior and habits of my patients and their mindset have always been a major focus for me, because that is where change begins. I also have experienced personal health crises in my life, and I have overcome physical and emotional pain. I know that what I teach works. From a personal and professional point of view.


Program outline

1. Introduction


Learn about the BRAIN and nervous system:

  • Function, Role, and Purpose of the Brain
    Power of the brain: how it learns, connects and communicates
  • Memory and Emotion
  • Information processing
  • Pruning and sprouting
  • Heart-brain and intuition (gut)


Learn about STRESS:

  • What is the stress response
  • Types of stress
  • The brain body connection
  • Thinking feeling loop
  • Conditioning
  • Brain’s interpretations
  • Emotions, Mood, and Mindset


Learn about HEALTH:

  • Definitions of health
  • Resilience
  • Body’s self healing capacity
  • Inflammation/ regeneration/ tissue building


Learn about PAIN:

  • Acute pain, sub-acute, and chronic pain
  • Tissue damage and pain
  • The role of medicine
  • Placebo and nocebo effect
  • Meaning
  • Emotional pain physical pain



Knowledge is power and understanding is KEY. Give yourself and your health priority.


50% Complete

Two Step

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